Satura rādītājs:


Numurs Nosaukums Apraksts
1. Parts of the Road Different kind of the roads and parts of them: junction, lane, motorway, pavement (sidewalk), pedestrian crossing, road, roundabout, street, petrol (gas) station.
2. Road Signs I Different traffic (road) signs: give way, hazard, main road, no entry, no right turn, no stopping.
3. Road Signs II Different traffic (road) signs: no parking, one-way, parking lot, pedestrian crossing, speed limit, stop here, traffic light.
4. Other Words About the Road Different nouns and verbs to talk roads and traffic: accident, kilometres per hour, overtake, pedestrian, rush hour, speed camera, traffic, traffic jam.
5. At the Station I Different nouns and verbs to talk about traveling: trip, journey, tour, travel, direct, change.
6. At the Station II Different nouns, adverbs and verbs to talk about traveling: ticket office, ticket, fare, single ticket, return ticket, book e ticket, in advance.
7. At the Station III Different nouns, adverbs and verbs to talk about traveling: passanger, platform, track, seat, get to, leave.
8. At the Station IV Different nouns, adverbs and verbs to talk about traveling: timetable, run, last bus, near, outside, last stop, next stop.
9. Direction I Questions and expressions for asking the way and answering.
10. Direction II Useful phrases for giving the direction.
11. Direction III Useful phrases for giving the direction.
12. Direction IV Useful phrases for giving the direction.
13. Direction V Examples for asking and giving the direction.


Numurs Nosaukums Tips Grūtības pakāpe Punkti Apraksts
1. Pictures and Words, Road Signs, Multiple Choice 1. izziņas līmenis zema 1,5 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Choosing the correct word according to the picture.
2. Listening, On the Road, Multiple Choice 1. izziņas līmenis zema 2 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Listening to the word and choosing Latvian translation.
3. Translating into Latvian, At the Station, Multiple Choice 1. izziņas līmenis zema 2 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading the word and choosing the correct translation into Latvian.
4. Translating into English, Direction 1. izziņas līmenis zema 2 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading the Latvian expresion and choosing the correct translation into English.
5. Pronunciation, On the Roads, Multiple Choice 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 2 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading the word and choosing the correct pronunciation.
6. Words under the Picture, Road Signs 1. izziņas līmenis vidēja 4 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Under each picture write the word from the list.
7. Listening and Writing, At the Station 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 4 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Listening and writing the words from the box.
8. Game «The Snake», On the Roads 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 4 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Finding the words in the line of letters.
9. Mixing Letters, Road Signs 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 4 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Putting the letters in correct order to make the words.
10. Mixing Words in the Phrases about Dirrection 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 4 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Putting the words in correct order to make the phrases.
11. Missing Letters, At the Station 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 4 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Filling the gaps with missing letters to complete the words.
12. Missing Words, Direction 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 3 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Filling the gaps with missing words to complete the words.
13. Missing Vowels, On the Roads 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 4 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Writing in the missing vowels to complete the words.
14. Wordsearch, Road Signs 2. izziņas līmenis augsta 6 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Finding the words in the wordseach table.
15. Wordsearch with Translation, At the Station 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 5 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Finding the word translation into English in the wordseach chart.
16. Dictation, Direction 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 4 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Listening to the word or expression and writing it.
17. Wordmaking, On the Roads 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 5 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading the firts part of the word or phrase and matching with the second part.
18. Listening and Translating into Latvian, Road Sings 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 4 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Listening to the word and writing the translation into Latvian.
19. Translation into Latvian, At the Station 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 4 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Listening to the expression and writing it Latvian.
20. Translating into English, Direction 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 4 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading the expressions and translating them.
21. Alphabetical Order with Translation, On the Roads 2. izziņas līmenis augsta 6 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Translating the words and writing them into alphabetical order.
22. Alphabetical Order with Pictures, Road Sings 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 5 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Putting the pictures into alphabetical order.
23. Pronunciation and Writing, At the Station 2. izziņas līmenis augsta 5 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading the pronunciation and writing the words.
24. Correcting Mistakes, On the Roads 2. izziņas līmenis augsta 6 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Choosing the incorrect written word and rewriting it in correct way.
25. Reading and Writing, How do You Get to School 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 8 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading the text and writing in the missing words.
26. Reading and Writing, How do You Get to School 2. izziņas līmenis augsta 8 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading the text and writing in the missing words.
27. Writing missing Words, How do I Get to .. 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 8 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading the text and writing in the missing words to complete the dialogue about direction.
28. Video, Getting Around London 2. izziņas līmenis augsta 6 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Watching video and choosing the correct answer for each sentence.
29. Video, How to Get to 2. izziņas līmenis augsta 4,5 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Watching the video and choosing the correct answer for each sentence.

Papildu uzdevumi (slēpti no skolēniem)

Numurs Nosaukums Tips Grūtības pakāpe Punkti Apraksts
1. Missing Letters, On the Roads Citi vidēja 4 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Filling the gaps with missing words to complete the words.
2. Mixing Letters, At the Station Citi vidēja 4 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Putting the letters in correct order to make the words.
3. Wordmaking, Road Signs Citi vidēja 5 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading the firts part of the word or phrase and matching with the second part.
4. Writing, My Way to the School Citi vidēja 1 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Writing the student's own way from home to his / her school.
5. Writing, Directions from My Place Citi vidēja 3 p. Recommended for 6 grade. Writing the direction from the place where the student lives or learns to the destination.


Numurs Nosaukums Ieteicamais ilgums: Grūtības pakāpe Punkti Apraksts
1. On the Roads 00:20:00 vidēja 27 p. Different exercises – gap filling, multiple choice tasks – to check student's vocabulary related to theme 'On the Road'; to consolidate and check reading, listening and writing skills.
2. Road Signs 00:20:00 vidēja 27,5 p. Different exercises – gap filling, multiple choice tasks – to check student's vocabulary related to theme 'Road Signs'; to consolidate and check reading, listening and writing skills.
3. At the Station 00:20:00 vidēja 28 p. Different exercises – gap filling, multiple choice tasks – to check student's vocabulary related to theme 'At the Station' (railway or bus station); to consolidate and check reading, listening and writing skills.
4. Direction 00:20:00 vidēja 26 p. Different exercises – gap filling, multiple choice tasks – to check student's vocabulary related to theme 'Rirection' – asking for and giving directions; to consolidate and check reading, listening and writing skills.
5. Getting Around 00:20:00 augsta 34 p. Different exercises – gap filling, multiple choice tasks – to check student's vocabulary related to theme 'Getting Around' – words about road, road signs, at the station, asking for and giving directions; to consolidate and check reading, listening and writing skills.

Mājasdarbu testi (slēpti no skolēniem)

Numurs Nosaukums Ieteicamais ilgums: Grūtības pakāpe Punkti Apraksts
1. Getting Around 00:40:00 augsta 60,5 p. Different exercises – gap filling, multiple choice tasks – to check student's vocabulary related to theme 'Getting Around' – words about road, road signs, at the station, asking for and giving directions; to consolidate and check reading, listening and writing skills.