Paper 1
Task 1
Role play
You and your friend are making dinner for exchange students from France. Together you should discuss:
• where the dinner will take place;
• what food you and your friend like and dislike;
• what each of you can cook;
• how you will decorate the table;
• menu for the dinner and ingredients you need.
Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.
1. Where do you usually have your lunch? What do you usually have for lunch?
2. What is the most unusual food you have eaten?
3. What is your attitude to junk food?
4. How can people’s eating habits influence their health?
5. Would you like to work as a chef? Why? Why not?
Paper 2
Task 1
Role play

Your classmates are organising a trip around Latvia for students from Estonia. You and your friend are responsible for planning the trip. Together you should discuss:
• length of the trip (when it starts, finishes);
• places to take the guests to;
• who could help you plan the route, transport, etc.;
• meals on the way, including the local food;
• difficulties you may have (weather, injuries, etc.).
Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.
1. Why is it important to plan the trip?
2. Why should you show your country to people from abroad?
3. How can museums help know the country better?
4. What outdoor activities could be interesting to young people who come from other countries? Why?
5. Why do people bring souvenirs from their trips?
Paper 3
Task 1
Role play

You and your friend are discussing your chances of getting a summer job. Together you should discuss:
• jobs available in the summer time;
• working hours/time you would like to spend at work every day;
• working conditions (uniforms, tools, lunch break, working at weekends, etc.);
• getting to and from the work place;
• skills that you need.
Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.
1. What would be an ideal job for you? Why?
2. What would you do with the money earned?
3. Who among the people you know has the most interesting job? Why?
4. How can what you are doing now help you in the future?
5. How do students choose their future profession?
Paper 4
Task 1
Role play
You have to create a video “A Day in a Teenager’s Life” for the English lesson. Together you should discuss:
• what and who you would like to show;
• the right music for the video;
• when and where you are going to shoot the video;
• what each of you is going to do;
• difficulties you may have.
Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.
1. Do you plan your day? If yes, how? If no, why not?
2. What is the most difficult thing in a teen’s life?
3. What is the best part of your day? Why?
4. How are your weekends different?
5. How is this summer going to be different for you?
Paper 5
Task 1
Role play
The youth parliament has asked you for help to organise a night orienteering* for families in your neighbourhood. Together you should discuss:
• the time/length of the race;
• plan which places to include in the route;
• how to inform people about your race;
• what to warn the runners about (area, equipment, weather, etc.);
• the awards ceremony and prizes.
*Orienteering - a competitive sport in which runners have to find their way across rough country with the aid of a map and compass.
Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.
1. Which season is better for orienteering? Why?
2. Do you think that night orienteering is an adventure? Why/why not?
3. What is the best outdoor activity you have ever had?
4. What place in your neighbourhood should everyone see? Why?
5. What good cause can we collect money for during a race?
Paper 6
Task 1
Role play
You are waiting for a student group from England. You have to show the guests around your
school. Together you should discuss:
• where to look for information about the school;
• where to take the guests and why exactly there;
• your school’s achievements;
• what lessons they should visit, why;
• what games you could organise together.
Task 2
Answer the questions asked by the teacher.
1. What are the subjects that you didn’t study at school but would like to?
2. In the lessons do you prefer working in pairs, groups or alone? Why?
3. Do you think it is easier to learn when you are a child or an adult?
4. What do you especially like about your school?
5. Can you study at home? How?