Task 1 (10 points out of 10)

Listen to a talk about the history of perfumes. Read the statements below. Each of them contains some false information. Write the wrong words or numbers in the empty box in the second column (the number of wrong words is given in the brackets; all the numbers must be written with words). Choose the correct information from the multiple choice answer in the third column.
In the exam you will hear the talk twice. Now you can listen to it more than two times!

Ancient Egyptians perfumed their skin with fragrant oils.  (1 word)
Greeks used flying birds to spread fragrance in premises.  (1 word)
Elizabeth I was presented a perfumed dress.  (1 word)
There is a special perfume museum in Prague.  (1 word)
Perfumers' training takes up to 10 years.  (1 word)
There are only 500 qualified perfumers in the world today.  (2 words)
Some perfume ingredients can cost up to $40,000 per kilo.  (1 word)
Chanel 5 was made by a woman.  (1 word)
CK 1 is a perfume for men.  (1 word)
Perfumes react to cold and light.  (1 word)
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