Read the extract from an interview and fill in the gaps by choosing the appropriate question from the list of options. Write the appropriate letter in the space provided. There are more questions than answers.
Swimming with dolphins
So it seems. You can take a dip with wild dolphins off the coast of New Zealand, or jump in a tank with a tame one in Japan, for example.

For fun mostly. But some people claim dolphins have therapeutic powers, and have cured victims of back pain and clinical depression.

Probably, but the case studies make convincing reading. Disabled children have reportedly learnt to speak with the aid of dolphin therapy; psychologists offer them sessions in the tank as rewards for performing simple linguistic tasks. Other doctors remain unconvinced. They say the benefit may simply derive from a relaxing holiday in the sun, or splashing about in the water with another friendly mammal.

You’ve seen Flipper – they are sociable creatures and they know a few fancy tricks.

Mind if I ask why?
Will I be allowed in the water?
So why dolphins?
And what if I get really keen?
It’s quite the thing to do these days, isn’t it?
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