Read, listen and learn some new words.
(Lasi, klausies un iemācies jaunos vārdiņus!)

spring — [sprɪŋ] — avots

stone — [stəʊn] — akmens (smaller than rock)

stream — [striːm] — strauts, straume

swamp — [swɒmp] — purvs

valley — [ˈvæl.i] — ieleja

volcano — [vɒlˈkeɪ.nəʊ] — vulkāns

waterfall — [ˈwɔː.tə.fɔːl] — ūdenskritums

well — [wel] — aka

wood — [wʊd] — mežs (a smaller area than the forest)
The stream was quite shallow so we were able to walk across it. — Strauts bija samērā sekls, tāpēc mēs bez pūlēm varējām tam pārbrist pāri.
We went for a walk in the woods after lunch. — Pēc pusdienām mēs aizgājām pastaigāt pa mežu.