Listen to the text "Star Wars". Travis gives his thoughts about this famous movie.

Write the phrases that you will hear.
1. Travis: You know,you have the evil empire, which apparently were the British Empire, and, since   the actors had a British accent. And then you had the rebels, who were apparently, according to the director. What's his name again?
2. Travis: I'm not really sure what the Japanese title is of "The Hidden Fortress" but in English it's translated as 'The Hidden Fortress" and in that movie, it's a movie where, what's his name, "Nufume?", the actor, he is actually protecting a princess who has to go in hiding because an enemy samurai clan has destroyed her family, and then  movie is told, that movie, "The Hidden Fortress", is told from the point of view of two bumbling idiots who sort of go around, provide slap stick comedy almost for the whole movie and are a basically the role models for C3P0 and R2D2 in the movie Star Wars.
3. Travis: The Hidden Fortress", is told from the point of view of two bumbling idiots who sort of go around, provide slap stick comedy almost for the whole movie and are a basically the role models for C3P0 and R2D2 in the movie Star Wars cause in Star Wars the whole movie is sort of in a way shown from the point of view, beginning with these two characters, C3P0 and R2D2, and they progress most of the movie, until the end when Luke Skywalker   becomes more important and Obi One Kanobi enters the scene, but at every point it's always C3P0 and R2D2 sort of gluing the scenes together.
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