To speak about rooms and modern conveniences, you should know the proper vocabulary. Here is the vocabulary connected with this topic.

Living room/ lounge - the room in a house or apartment that is used for relaxing in and entertaining guests
Bedroom - a room used for sleeping in
Bathroom - a room with a bath and/or shower and often a toilet
Kitchen - a room where food is kept, prepared, and cooked and where the dishes are washed
Utility room - a room, especially in a house, where large pieces of useful equipment such as a washing machine can be kept and where things can be stored
Spare room - a room you don’t use every day, often this is for guests
Playroom - a room intended for children to play in
Study - a room, especially in a house, used for quiet work such as reading or writing
Attic - the space or room at the top of a building, under the roof, often used for storing things
Basement - a part of a building consisting of rooms that are partly or completely below the level of the ground
Central heating - a system of heating buildings by warming air or water at one place and then sending it to different rooms in pipes
Running water - water supplied to a house by pipes
Gas - a substance in a form like air that is used as a fuel for heating and cooking
Electricity - a form of energy that can be produced in several ways and that provides power to devices that create light, heat, etc.
Our home has three bedrooms.
We usually eat breakfast in the kitchen.
Some of these older houses still don't have running water.
Do you prefer cooking with electricity or gas?