Read the question and choose the answer!
(Izlasi jautājumu un izvēlies atbildi!)
1.  Do your mum and dad often go to the cinema?
2.  Do you and your friends usually play basketball in PE?
3.  Does it often snow in the winters?
4.  Do you listen to pop music in your bedroom?
5.  Does your grandma knit in the evenings?
6.  Does your brother tidy his bedroom on Fridays?
Atbilžu varianti:
Yes, it does.
No, he doesn't.
Yes, we do.
Yes, I do.
No, she doesn't.
No, they don't.
Lai iesniegtu atbildi un redzētu rezultātus, Tev nepieciešams autorizēties. Lūdzu, ielogojies savā profilā vai reģistrējies portālā!