Prepositions of time (Laika prievārdi)

Laika prievārdu "on" lieto ar:
- dienu nosaukumiem;
We go to the cafe on Tuesdays.
- datumiem;
I have my birthday on the 1st of November.
- svētku nosaukumiem, ja tiek minēta pati svētku diena;
On Christmas day we usually get together with our family.
- diena + dienas daļām.
John has his trainings on Thursday afternoons.

Laika prievārdu "in" lieto ar:
- gadalaiku nosaukumiem;
She likes swimming in summer.
- mēnešu nosaukumiem;
We will celebrate Christmas in December.
- gadiem;
He was born in 2014.
- dienas daļām;
I usually finish my work in the afternoon.
- gadsimtiem.
There were no smartphones in the 19th century.
Laika prievārdu "at" lieto:
- runājot par laiku (pulksteni);
They meet today at three o'clock.
- ar svētku nosaukumiem, kad tiek runāts par visu svētku periodu kopumā;
Our grandparents are with our family at Christmas.
- izteicienos:
at the moment – šajā brīdī, šobrīd;
She is talking to her cousin at the moment.
at night – naktī;
People usually sleep at night.
at midnight – pusnaktī;
He already asleeps at midnight.
at the weekend – nedēļas nogalē.
We have plans to go to the country at the weekend.

Atsauce:, GoEnglish, Prepositions of Time in English