Task 2 (Day 3)

Task instructions:
Read the text. Then in your own words:
 define briefly what the main issue/problem is;
2. say what you think about the issue raised in the text;
3. provide arguments and examples to support your opinion;
4. come to a conclusion;
5. answer one additional question which the examiner will ask you at the end of your monologue.

You have 2 minutes to prepare.
Speaking time: 5 minutes.
"Overtourism", too many tourists, has been affecting more and more cities and countries around the world. It has several causes, but the main one is the fact that the Earth’s population has nearly tripled since the 1950s, when tourism was just getting started. Despite having obvious economic benefits, overtourism can mean disruption to our lives and cities. In such popular destinations as Venice, Amsterdam and Barcelona, exasperated locals have even made “TOURISTS GO HOME” banners.
From: http://www.nationalgeographic.com
Additional questions:
• Is tourism important for Latvia? Why/Why not?
• What is your dream destination? Why?
How much closer could we get to someone than to sit with them each evening over a cup of coffee or tea? However, more and more of us are developing close online friendship groups. How does it work? It appears that these wireless connections also have the friendship building blocks regardless of how geographically different your paths might be. It is very likely that you may never actually meet any of these folks face-to-face, but that does not hold back the sense of connection that is built because you have found people who share your interests or engage in similar activities with you.
From: http://www.psychologytoday.com
Additional questions:
• Can online friendship be long-lasting? Why/Why not?
• Would you trust someone you have not met face-to-face? Why/Why not?
Owning your film and music collection is becoming a thing of the past.  More money is being spent on subscription services like Spotify and Netflix than on physical DVDs and CDs, according to new figures from the Entertainment Retailers Association. Video games show a similar trend, with online subscriptions generating more money than downloads and disc sales. “New digital services have created a ‘Generation Rent’ for whom this access model seems natural,” said ERA CEO Kim Bayley. Younger generations are also less concerned about owning music and films, preferring instead to keep their collections online.
From: http://www.bbc.com
Additional questions:
• Is there a film you keep rewatching? Why?
• Do you think the Internet is going to make other forms of entertainment unnecessary? Why/Why not?
As online challenges go, #trashtag is a pretty wholesome one. Hundreds of people shared photos of themselves litter-picking in trash-strewn parks and streets, while calling on others to start cleaning up their communities. The idea for #trashtag has been around for several years. But it has gathered steam now, as users on Instagram, Reddit and Twitter shared dramatically different before and after photos of one wooded area where a man bagged up hundreds of plastic objects. He also added an invitation to find a place “that needs some cleaning or maintenance” and “take a photo when you have done something about it."
From: http://time.com
Additional questions:
• Why do people post their good deeds on social media?
• What could be done to reduce the amount of rubbish we produce?
If we look for negativity, we will always find things that are getting worse. However, if we do not recognize what is getting better in the people and environment around us, then we will continue to feel disappointed and depressed. The point is to see life as it is, but also including the ways it is improving. Be aware of little ways you move forward each day – learning something new or making a nature-friendly choice. Then consider a longer timeframe: How have you moved forward over the past twelve months? What have you learned? What are you grateful for?
From: http://www.psychologytoday.com
Additional questions:
• If you are feeling down, what can help you? How?
• How can you make others feel better?
The technique involves creating a weekly schedule that blocks out specific time periods for particular tasks. The twist, however, is that rather than making a plan for the work that one has to do, they do the opposite: schedule in activities that they would like to do, such as meeting a friend for dinner, as well as activities that are necessary for keeping oneself happy and in working condition, such as going for a run and getting enough sleep each night. Some claim it to be an effective time planning method, while others see it as an excuse for even greater procrastination.
From: http://www.bbc.com
Additional questions:
• What are the most effective time management strategies for you?
• Do you think distractions in daily schedules are needed? Why/Why not?