First, read the text below! You will notice that some words are missing.
Dinner chores
“Annie, set the table,   ,” said Mom. “It’s time for dinner.” Annie said it wasn’t her week to set the table. It was her week to clear the table. She said it was Lisa’s week to set the table. Lisa was in the living room. Lisa was playing with the dog in the living  . Lisa was having fun with the dog. “Lisa,” Mom said, “come here and set the table. It’s dinner time.” Lisa said it wasn’t her week to set the table. It was Mark’s week to set the table. It was Lisa’s week to feed the  . “Where is Mark?” Mom asked. Lisa said, “He’s riding his bike.” Mark was outside riding his bike. Mom asked Annie, “Do you want   dessert tonight?” Annie said yes. “What do I have to do?” she asked. Her mom said all she had to do was set the table.

Now listen to the audio file - can you hear what are the missing words? Write them in the empty gaps! There is only one word missing in each gap. Make sure you don't make any spelling mistakes and use lowercase letters only!
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