Read the text and choose the correct answer.
Izlasi tekstu un izvēlies pareizo atbildi!
P: Jason, what’s the matter? I am at work, but where are you? Why aren’t you at work?
J: Peter, I feel sick this morning. I think I’m ill.
P: Your voice is strange. What’s wrong with you?
J: At night I had a temperature, and I’ve got a terrible headache.
P: Have you got a sore throat, too?
J: Yes, I have, I think.
P: What was your temperature in the morning?
J: It was 38,8 an hour ago. I took some medicine for the fever, and it must be better now, but I’m not really well.
P: Stay in bed and see the doctor tomorrow. Get well as soon as possible.
J: Thanks, I will.
1. Jason's got a sore throat.
2. Peter's got a high temperature.
3. Jason didn't take any medicine.
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