Read the text carefully and write the country where it happens.
Uzmanīgi izlasi tekstu un pieraksti valsts nosaukumu, kurā tā notiek!
They spend New Year's Eve together with their family. – the UK
In the USA people usually count down from 10 to 0. Then they hug and kiss the person next to them. The most famous place to celebrate the New Year is Times Square, in Manhattan, New York city.
In the UK people eat a typical dessert - the "Christmas pudding". Each family has their personal recipe for it.
In Spain people always try to have a big family dinner. At midnight they eat 12 grapes. They wear something red to welcome the New Year, too.
But people in Italy have a tradition to throw away old things. This tradition means good luck for the next New Year.
People in China celebrate the New Year in February. They make rituals against bad spirits using fireworks and noise.
As it is hot in Brazil people can go to the beach on New Year's Eve. They sing and dance and throw flowers into the water. The most famous place is Copacabana beach.
1. They usually welcome New Year in New York city. –
2. They celebrate New Year on the beach. –
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