Learn the new words and repeat the previous ones.
Mācies jaunos un atkārto zināmos vārdiņus!
Midsummer is when the sun reaches its highest position in the sky. It means that we have the longest day of the year and the shortest night of the year. This special day is called the Midsummer's Day, and when it happens, it’s officially summer. Astronomically it can be from June 20 – 22. But in Europe it is on the night of June 23 – 24.
In Latvia we celebrate Midsummer's Day on June 23 – that is called Līgo Day and Jāņu Day. People usually clean and decorate their houses. They try to go to the countryside together with their families and friends. People make wreaths out of oak leaves for men and wreaths out of wild flowers for women. They try to stay awake till the sunrise. And there is also a tradition to jump over the bonfire.
Midsummer's Day – [ˌmɪd.sʌm.əz ˈdeɪ] – Vasaras saulgrieži
magic plants – [ˈmædʒ.ɪkˌplɑːnts] – Jāņu zāles
oak – [əʊk] – ozols
oak leaves – [əʊkˈliːvz] – ozola lapas
bonfire – [ˈbɒn.faɪər] – ugunskurs
Līgo wreath – [ˈliːɡɔʊˈriːθ] – Līgo vainags
wild flowers – [ˈwaɪld ˌflaʊərs] – pļavu puķes
caraway cheese – [ˈkær.ə.weɪˌtʃiːz] – ķimeņu siers
the sunrise – [ðəˈsʌn.raɪz] – saullēkts