Read the text about witnesses.
Do you trust your witness?
A trustworthy witness is a great asset in any case. But not all witnesses are reliable. Failing to confirm a witness's credibility can ruin the strongest case.
Take the friendly witness. These witnesses sometimes try too hard to support your case. When a biased friendly witness lies, your entire case appears weak. Similarly, false statements from a prejudiced or hostile witness have the same result.
Reviewing the qualifications of expert witnesses is equally important. Only take testimony from people at the head of their fileds. And don't overlook eyewitnesses. Check that eyewitnesses not only saw events firsthand, but also that they saw them clearly.
Read the sentences. Write the word into each gap.
1. Take the friendly witness. These witnesses sometimes try too____ to support your case.
2. Only take testimony from people at the ______ of their fileds.
3. Check that eyewitnesses not only saw events firsthand, but also that they saw them _____.
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