Read the text and then complete the table. Decide whether each statement is, according to the text, true, false or not mentioned. An example (0) has been given.
It won’t sell sugary drinks to children abroad by 2012

The IPod Generation will get a global lesson in healthier beverages from an unlikely source: Pepsi. PepsiCo on Tuesday announced plans to voluntarily remove high-calorie sweetened drinks from schools for kids up to age 18 in more than 200 countries by 2012. Coke and Pepsi agreed to stop selling sugary drinks in U.S. schools in 2006.
Pepsi is responding to demands from activists that food and beverage companies not offer kids products linked to childhood obesity. The action came on the day that Michelle Obama stood before an annual conference of the world’s largest food companies and urged them to “entirely rethink” the products they market to kids.
Branding expert Jonathan Salem Baskin is skeptical of Pepsi’s motives. “Coke taught the world to sing. Pepsi is going to teach the world to diet?” He suspects not: “My heart and soul want me to believe this is a statement of principle… So how are we (Americans) supposed to show our appreciation to Pepsi? By doubling our consumption?”  Well, that would help. While global carbonated soft-drink consumption was up about 1% in 2008 – the most recent year tracked – it was down 3% in the U.S., reports Beverage Digest.
Pepsi received some compliments on its move – including one from a longtime adversary. “We applaud Pepsi for its global commitment,” says Bruce Silverglade, legal affairs director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest. “But shame on Coca-Cola for insisting on targeting high school students in most countries around the world.”
Coke announced this month it won’t sell sugared drinks in primary schools worldwide unless asked, but it is not matching Pepsi’s move for high schools. “We believe school authorities should have the right to choose what is best for their schools,” says spokeswoman Crystal Warwell Walker.
Coke’s global share of carbonated soft-drink sales is 50.5% vs. Pepsi’s 22.2%, says Beverage Digest. Pepsi said it did not have exact numbers for school sales, but said it’s not a major part of global sales.
John Sicher, publisher of Beverage Digest, says Pepsi’s move is smart. “It’s the old proverb: They want to do well by doing good.”
(USA Today)
0. Pepsi’s initiative is surprising.  True
1. PepsiCo has been forced to remove high-calorie fizzy drinks from schools by 2012. 
2. Sweetened drinks like Coke and Pepsi are not sold in U.S. schools any more. 
 3. Pepsi’s move is prompted by demands from activists who fight child thinness. 
 4. Michelle Obama encouraged the actions of PepsiCo at the annual conference of the world’s largest food companies. 
 5. Mr. Baskin is convinced that Pepsi is going to teach the world’s inhabitants how to diet. 
 6. Mr. Baskin is serious saying that doubling our consumption of Pepsi is the way how to thank Pepsi for their initiative. 
 7. According to Beverage Digest, carbonated soft-drink consumption in the U.S. has diminished compared to the global tendency. 
 8. Pepsi’s move was approved even by some organizations that earlier were not positive towards the company. 
 9. Coke has disbelieved that they will sell sugared drinks to schools on demand. 
 10. Ms. Walker backs up the idea that school administration should choose what to sell in their schools. 
 11. Pepsi’s sales exceed Coke’s sales of soft drinks. 
 12. Mr. Sicher states that Pepsi wants to become richer by stating its interest in the reduction of child obesity. 
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