Task 1 (10 points)
Read the text and decide whether the statements are true, false or not mentioned. Tick the appropriate box – True, False or Not mentioned. An example (0) has been given.
Lily’s phone shares an average day in the life of Lily.
I wake her up at seven am. Well, in reality, it rarely works. I make this beeping sound and then finally she opens her eyes, rolls over and presses the snooze. This means I have to go through the whole uncomfortable beeping again. When she is finally out of bed, which is half an hour later than she should be, she picks me up to check the time, and also the weather. After eating some toast, she puts me in her jacket pocket, plugs in her headphones and listens to music on her way to school. Sometimes I tune in to the radio. If it is raining, she will take the bus and read a book on the app. It is very useful because you always have a book to read, even when you cannot fit one in your bag.
When we finally get to school, I get turned on silent and put in her bag. She takes me out only during the break time. I store pictures of what she has been doing at the weekend – concerts, shopping, meeting people – and she shows them to her friends. I do not mind, because I like the attention. Or else she will check Twitter, to see what people are doing. She will try to write a funny joke that can be said in 140 characters, but the bell usually goes for the end of break before that happens.
I usually get ignored for the rest of the day. If she is bored she will check her emails or messages, but not often, for if I’m caught, the teacher will put me in the dark depths of her desk, which is not fun for Lily or me. It is so boring in there. At lunchtime I will usually be pulled out of her bag again and used to surf the net, or to play some new song that she likes.
On the way home, I get turned up to full volume again, and she texts her parents to let them know she is on her way home. Then, if she is on her own, she will listen to music again or chat with her friends.
If she stops off in the corner shop to buy a bar of chocolate or a packet of biscuits, I will come out again, as she keeps her money in my case. Or if she goes to borrow a book from the library, I get pulled out again, because her library card is in my case as well.
In the evening I often get used to check any important projects saved on my calendar, or to text her friends a joke or a question about school. Then it is the end of another long day, and she switches the alarm on again, and we both go to sleep. If she stays up late messaging her friends, we stay awake until I get too tired, and then, I let my battery run out.

0. Lily’s mum wakes her up.

1. Lily always gets up immediately after her alarm goes off.

2. Lily listens to music or reads an e-book on her way to school.

3. At school Lily’s phone is in her bag with its sound turned off.

4. Lily mostly spends her weekends at home.

5. If her teacher notices the phone, she returns it only to her parents.

6. Parents give Lily a lift home.

7. Lily sometimes buys some snacks on her way home.

8. Lily keeps her money in a purse.

9. Lily borrows books from the library for her school projects.

10. If she texts till late, she has to charge her phone.
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