Satura rādītājs:


Numurs Nosaukums Tips Grūtības pakāpe Punkti Apraksts
1. Listening comprehension 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 4 p. Subject: House chores
2. Reading 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 3 p. Subject: Nature protection. Reading comprehension with True/False questions.
3. Reading 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 3 p. Subject: House. Reading comprehension with multiple-choice questions.
4. Vocabulary 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 3 p. Subject: House chores. Multiple-choice questions.
5. Listening comprehension 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 3 p. Subject: House chores
6. Vocabulary 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 3 p. Subject: Nature. Multiple-choice questions
7. Vocabulary 2. izziņas līmenis vidēja 3 p. Word oder. Subject: House chores

Eksāmenu uzdevumi (PROF)

Numurs Nosaukums Tips Grūtības pakāpe Punkti Apraksts
1. Reading. Saved by chance (2019) Citi vidēja 10 p. "True, False, Not Mentioned" Task
2. Reading. Eco-friendly designer (2016) Citi vidēja 10 p. Read the text about an eco-friendly designer and choose the correct option
3. Reading. Interview with Dr. Sylvia Earle (2015) Citi vidēja 10 p. Read the interview with Dr. Sylvia Earle and choose the appropriate question from the list.
4. Reading. Kangaroo (2013) Citi vidēja 10 p. Multiple-choice questions. Read the statement and choose the correct answer based on the text about Kangaroos. 9. klases eksāmens angļu valodā 2013. gads.
5. Listening. Puffins (2015) Citi vidēja 10 p. Listen to talk about trip to Iceland to study puffins and mark the sentences as true or false.
6. Language Use. Birds causing trouble (2019) Citi vidēja 10 p. "Multiple choice" Task
7. Language Use. Teenager starts own rescue centre (2017) Citi vidēja 10 p. Fill each of the numbered gaps in the following passage.
8. Language Use. Shopping bags (2017) Citi vidēja 10 p. Read the text below and choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.


Numurs Nosaukums Ieteicamais ilgums: Grūtības pakāpe Punkti Apraksts
1. Reading 00:00:00 vidēja 6 p. Nature protection. House.
2. Vocabulary 00:00:00 vidēja 9 p. House chores. Nature.
3. Tēmas uzdevumu apkopojums 00:00:00 vidēja 16 p. I, others, nature and social environment