22. maijs - ANGĻU VALODA
Read the sentences and write in other words.
(Izlasi teikumus un uzraksti ar citiem vārdiem!)
She is my brother's mother.
She is my mother.
He is my aunt and uncle's son.
He is my cousin.
In answer write only one word. Don't forget to use '-' where it's necessary.
Repeat the rules about possessive case!
1. I'm his daughter's son.
I'm his .
2. She is my father's sister.
She is my .
3. He is my mother's husband, but he isn't my father.
He is my .
4. She is my sister's daughter.
She is my .
5. She is my father's wife, but she isn't my mother.
She is my .
Lai iesniegtu atbildi un redzētu rezultātus, Tev nepieciešams autorizēties. Lūdzu, ielogojies savā profilā vai reģistrējies portālā!