Read the text about supermarkets.
Рис. \(1\). Supermarket  
Shopping is my passion. I'm really into choosing and buying things. I shop for groceries in a supermarket around the corner — it has got a wide range of products. You can find literally everything, from a jar of honey and a tube of jelly to a carton of juice and canned soup.
If my shopping list is long, I get a basket or a trolley. It’s good that there is always an assistant you can ask for help if you can’t find the products you need. When I get everything I wanted to buy, I go to the cashier’s and pay. I rarely use cash, mostly my bank card. In some supermarkets there are self-checkouts, but you can’t pay by cash there.
Write two words into each gap.
1. Shopping is  .
2. If my  is long, I get a basket or a trolley.
3. I rarely  , mostly my bank card.
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